Saturday, September 12, 2015

Is Donald Trump a Conscious Conservative?

     As of now, the press is lauding Donald Trump as the front-runner for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States.  This leads us to wonder if The Donald’s views are conservative.  Let’s put him to our Conscious Conservative test.  How does Mr. Trump score on the Conscious Conservative rating system.

---Does he respect private property?  I would say no.  If you read his books, he appears proud of using government to take away other people’s property in order to give it to him.  He feels the property is better in his hands than that of the current owners.  0 POINTS

---How about the Income Tax?  Mr. Trump falls in the “reform” camp.  He talks about lowering taxes and simplifying tax code, but not about significant change or repeal.  0 POINTS

---Where is Donald Trump on inheritance tax?  He has stated that he would like to greatly limit inheritance taxes.  This could have something to do with his own situation.  5 POINTS

---What are his beliefs about confiscating private property for public use?  For public use?  He doesn’t mind confiscating property for private use.  0 POINTS

---What about banking?  Donald Trump seems more knowledgeable about the Federal Reserve and its role in the economy.  However, he appears more in the camp of controlling central banking rather than real reform or abolition.  He gets partial credit for that.  5 POINTS

---Donald Trump on free speech, assembly and travel-- It’s difficult to find where Mr. Trump or any of the candidates have said anything about these issues.  I’m going to deduct some points because he wants to build a wall around the United States.  Other than that, it’s hard to tell.   5 POINTS

---Is Donald Trump a Free Enterprise advocate?  He has no problem with taking advantage of crony-capitalism.  While researching this article, I’ve also ran across many instances where he has said it was wrong and he doesn’t support it.  I’ve not sure how much he’ll change it.  5 POINTS

---About Donald Trump and the free exchange of labor and services—He appears to give at least lip service to small business deregulation.  He has also stated that it is good for labor and management to freely negotiate pay structures.  This appears to be where he is strongest.  10 POINTS

---What is Donald Trump’s record on freedom of living quarters?  His long history as a real estate developer shows that he favors government intervention that favors him.  He has a particularly Machiavellian view towards zoning and building restrictions.  0 POINTS

---Donald Trump on education-- Mr. Trump favors vouchers and cutting federal involvement in the school system.  He still fears to favor publicly funded schools.  5 POINTS


That is a Moderate score that has him leaning towards Liberal views. 
How does he rank compared to other prominent politicians?

Ron Paul            90 POINTS
Rick Santorum  55 POINTS
Newt Gingrich   50 POINTS
Mitt Romney     35 POINTS
Donald Trump  35 POINTS
Barack Obama  20 POINTS

Mr. Trump is definitely not a Conscious Conservative.   

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  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...